Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Another Month Speeds By

Well, I did it again.  Let another month swoosh by me without a new post.  Seriously, can time just slow down a bit?

I've been working on several art projects lately.  Retro Cafe Art is having a Mermaid Swap! Kristin just keeps on creating the best things ever and my art supply budget is seriously busted!
Here's the first Mermaid.  I have another one complete, but am having a hard time getting a good picture because she is so shiny!  Mermen are now in the works.

Also in the works (constantly) is my Art Journal.  Truthfully, though, I really should call it my Art Book because there is very little journal-ing going on.

 These are the pages I've completed.  I did another one yesterday, but haven't taken a picture.

Below is my Compass Angel
She is made from the small 3-D Santos Cage Doll kit from Retro Cafe Art.  She stands about 12 inches tall.  I have a large kit that I am still pondering on.

Next is a chipboard crown, once again from - you guessed it - Retro Cafe Art!

 And here I am wearing it.  Can you believe that Kristin actually used this picture of me wearing it (along with the picture above this one) in her newsletter AND on her Retro Cafe Art Facebook page?  
She also used my Compass Angel in her newsletter and her Facebook pages for Retro Cafe Art and Coffee Break Designs.  I feel all so famous and stuff!

Well, as you can tell, I haven't been sitting around twiddling my thumbs!  Along with all the artwork, I have recently joined Oak Cliff Christian Church.  I am singing in the choir and have just attended my first CWF meeting/luncheon.  Oak Cliff Christian Church is a Disciples of Christ (not to be confused with Church of Christ) congregation. Think TCU.  TCU is a Disciples university, just like SMU is a Methodist university. Growing up, my family attended a Disciples of Christ church and it's good to be back with them.  Since this is such a small congregation, this year Vacation Bible School will just be 2 days, this Friday and Saturday.  I've volunteered to help out with arts and crafts.  I mean, what else, right?  

So I'm off for now (some may say I'm "off" all the time) and I'll try, try, try to not let another whole month go by before I post again.


Denise Phillips said...

Wonderful blog post Virginia! Love that Angel!!!Congrats!

Retro Cafe' Art Gallery said...

You're on the blog too!!! Fabulous pieces! xoxo

Paige said...

Pretty stuff! Glad you are enjoying church. The kids will have fun crafting with you!